Winter on the farm

Hi everyone! We’ve been out of touch because we had a baby!

Annie arrived on the solstice, and she has been warmth and joy back into our world since. She got to spend her first Christmas with all four grandparents. I can’t believe she’s already been here for a whole month! She grows and changes every day which is a joy to witness. Right now she loves black and white pictures, ceiling fans and eating. We’ve both been spending most of our time taking care of her and getting to know her. We feel very lucky that she arrived during a quiet part of the year! Kaiti and Abram have been doing an awesome job running the Winter CSA and we’re so glad for it.

Bryan and the crew have also been chipping away at some winter projects like organizing the barn and working on our crop plan. It’s exciting thinking about how the farm will take shape in 2023 with another whole year on our new property here. The future is bright but assuredly changing and evolving, and we’re very thankful for the excellent crew we have to help us navigate each new adventure.

Come See us at the Waverly Farmers Market

January 28, 7am-noon

We’ll be popping up at the Waverly Farmers Market on 32nd and Barclay on Saturday, January 28th!

It’s our favorite market around because we both lived a few blocks away for several years. We’ll be there selling greens, squash, and roots and many other things, but also to promote our CSA, with pickups all around the Waverly neighborhood. Come say hi!

…and speaking of our CSA

2023 CSA Sign-ups are still available

We have a new ordering software and the same great produce and prices. Egg subscriptions available while supplies last! Check out our new storefront and sign up HERE! New pickup available in Towson/ Roland Park, with more to come!

Stay warm and hope to see you soon!

~ Bryan, Joanna, and Annie